Scan 700 |
Image analysis technology for dry applications: particles size, shape and colour characterisation. Manual dispersion or using VDD270 (optional).
Developed for small quantity and heterogeneous samples, the Scan 700 uses a CCD scanner to acquire the image. The main advantage is the ability to analyse large sectional images without any cutting; the maximum resolution is 20,000 x 20,000 pixels in one shot. A typical application is for samples that contain various subpopulation, round particles, sized less than 1 mm, mixed with elongated particles to more than a cm length. The Scan 700 also has the capability to analyse particle colour.
Data and images of every single particle are stored in an Occhio binary database. The instrument is driven by Callisto 3D software, which controls the entire analysis: ‘SOP’, statistic, reporting and data storages.